I found your post where you were asking for a critique... well, you shall have one.
WARNING: It's gonna be brutal. So if you're sensetive, don't read it and just delete this comment. But then, you were asking for a "critique" after all, so... yeah.
#1. The thing that annoys me the most within the first few seconds, is the unhumane, almost synthetic sounding piano. And it's not about the quality of piano sample.
Tip: Velocity change. It's a thing.
#2. Second, is how compressed everything sounds. Big amounts of compression are good in EDM, but not when they ruin the quality.
#3. Drum samples. I hate them. Everyone with at least a little bit of sandards will hate them. There are tons of free and really good sounding sample packs all over the web. Do a little research.
#4. Synths... they sound as amatureish and simplified as they can get. But, seems to me that you programmed them yourself, so you get a point for that. Stick with that, It's always better to make synths yourself than use presets. Even if they sound crappy. You'll get the hang of it eventually. You should check "SeamlessR" channel on youtube, this guy is a legend when it comes to making synths.
#5. Buildups are too loud and simply boring. It's ok to make loud buildups, as long as they have something to offer except white noise and one rather bad sounding synth, AND THEY'RE NOT LOUDER THAN THE ACTUAL DROP.
#6. The drop.... read #4.
#7. That piano under the drop sounds terrible. When you add something under the drop melody, make sure it follows the drop melody. There are some songs where it sounds good (even if it's not suppose to, yet somehow it does, like Varien- Lilith), but yours is not one of them.
#8. The overall mix... I'll let you make up your own mind on that one.
So there you have it. No h8 m8, keep doing what you're doing.
I'll pass on the rating.